Should I really go back to high school?

Basically me in high school, but taken from Gretna Green

Not literally, of course. High school's only bright spot was the light at the end of the tunnel--college. I am talking about the uniform that I wore. While I was in high school, it was loathed. However, since then, I've found myself finding more and more reasons to wear black watch plaid (I don't know why, don't look at me like that!).

It all started with the very chic and, somewhat off-kilter, look of black watch plaid pants that I bought from Lord & Taylor (yes, they still very much exist and things are a lot cheaper than I remember). Then, I found myself on a mad hunt for a black watch plaid shirt--though, admittedly, I saw a girl on the Metro wearing them with distressed jeans that had a very edgy, relaxed vibe that I couldn't resist. You get the idea: buy the shirt, look like the girl. Basically the premise of every advertising campaign ever. Anyway, I digress. Now, I've found myself lusting after this black watch plaid dress from ASOS.

If this is anything like the chambray decision of 2013, I'll be thinking about this a while. Point being, should I really harken back to the pattern of my youth? Or, should the madness end with the pants? Follow my blog with Bloglovin


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