
Showing posts from June, 2013

It's the weekend!

Hey y'all,  Or, should that be a Hey'all? Can't decide. Anyway, just wanted to wish you all a happy weekend break AND to invite you to follow me (but, mostly the blog) on Twitter (@DotsandBars). I'll try to keep you guys entertained over the weekend with funny gifs that make you wish that you were in DC (WITH ME!!!), but, most likely, they'll just be ramblings of why I haven't had enough pizza and there aren't enough repeats of Seinfeld (LOVE.THAT.SHOW). xoxo, E

All the Disney Princesses...

You know those days, when you're dying to write about something, ANYTHING, but instead you find yourself in a pit on Youtube? Well, that's where I'm at. It's like my inspiration fairy has taken the week off (unceremoniously, I might add), and I'm just sitting here sucking a lollipop waiting for her to return. Sorry to start you off with Miley Cyrus you guys, but you have to admit that her version of "Jolene" is pretty darn good. I felt like I left you guys hanging here  when I mentioned my love for Selena Gomez. I know, I know, but it's not like I'm declaring a girl crush on Vanessa Hudgens (though, her 'Sneaker Night' video is quite catchy) or anything, but I suppose there comes a time in every person's life where it's easier to like their catchy songs than to despise them. I'll admit, I started off reaaaallllyyyyy disliking Miley--something about the Hannah Montana schtick GOT to me. But then, 'Party in the USA' w